Friday, December 7, 2007

Launching of my thinking blog....

I hardly have time to spare for my first blog let alone another blog. But, for the past few months I've been thinking about starting another blog where I can just jot down a few ideas that are rolling around in my head. My other blog's purpose is mainly to update family and friends on our life here in the UK and to share pictures. But, here I would like to share with you my Journey into God's Heart. I'm naming this blog after a really good book written by Jennifer Rees Larcombe. This book came to me just at the right time while I was going through the grief of loosing my mother and all the changes in life that come with that. There was a line in Jennifer's book (which I don't have it here with me because I have loaned it to my father) but it said something like..."We should look more into the face of God and less into His hand." And I thought that was so true. We live in a time when the most well known Christian leaders and tv evangelist are preaching a gospel of prosperity. Yes, I do believe God blesses us and wants to bless is. But, what is more important then that is realizing the greater picture and that pursuit to know God. I think that's what this journey we call life is all about.

Another thought that has come to me recently and I was really convicted on this. I live too much on yesterdays spiritual blessings. And sometimes I rely too much on other's spiritual blessings. (Meaning: reading devotional books) If I want to know God and hear from Him more I need to read His Book, the Bible. So, another purpose of this blog is to make me more accountable. I'm making a vow to God and myself to read His Word faithfully everyday. As I do this I will share with you what God has blessed me with.

I should also add that I fully suspect that I will share a few of my views on politics, society, culture, current events and whatever else comes to mind. I do look forward to your comments so please don't hold back.

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