Saturday, December 22, 2007


I so wish that I was as good with words and explaining my thoughts as my husband is. But, you're stuck with me who has many thoughts rolling around in my head but very limited in my vocabulary.
Perhaps it's my own frame of mind or my low expectations being surprisingly proven wrong. But, people in general throughout the town seem more cheerful this Christmas. And I don't mean in the fluffy Disney way. I'm talking sincere cheerfulness. I know this time last year I was extremely stressed out with work and had concerns for my mother who was in poor health. This year I've lowered expectations on myself as I face holidays without Mom who went to be with Jesus last February. Christmas is different this year in many ways. And I'm thinking I'm not the only one who had a difficult 2007. Everyone has had it rough and everyone has concerns for their family, close loved ones, their nation, the world economically, politically and environmentally. I somehow think that the people I came across today in the grocery store and shops were thinking...."Awe...Can't we all just get along?!" Or maybe it's my imagination. But, I so enjoyed having a casual chat with the lady at the cash register in the grocery store who was German and we both described how we celebrate Christmas in our home countries. And I so appreciated the gentleman who wished me a Happy Christmas as he held the door for me and the very considerate driver who allowed me to pull out in the the very busy road of traffic. When someone is so caring and cheerful you can't help but pass it on. And oh how I wish this spirit would remain all year.
For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14
Jesus came as our Prince of Peace. I don't know if we will ever see peace around the world. But, I know that before we can share peace with others we must have the peace within. And I have found that there can peace within me while everything around me is going wrong. Peace in the midst of the storm.
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. John 16:33
Wonderful Peace

Far a-way in the depths of my spirit to-night
Rolls a melody sweeter than psalm;
In celestial like strains it unceasingly falls
O'er my soul like an infinite calm.


Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace.
Coming down from the Father above!
Sweep over my spirit forever, I pray,
In fathomless billows of love.

What a treasure I have in this wonderful peace,
Buried deep in the heart of my soul;
So secure that no power can mine it away
While the years of eternity roll;

I am resting tonight in this wonderful peace,
Resting sweetly in Jesus' control;
For I'm kept from all danger by night and by day,
And glory is flooding my soul.

And I think when I rise o that city of peace,
Where the author of peace I shall see,
That one strain of the song
which the ransomed will sing,
In that heavenly kingdom shall be.

O my soul, are you here without comfort or rest,
Marching down the rough pathway of time?
Make the Savior your friend
when the shadows grow dark;
O accept this sweet peace so sublime.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Bethlehem, Galilee, Gethsemane

(I just heard this song in a Christmas cantata. I don't know who wrote it but I had to share the words.)

Bethlehem, He was born there, I believe, I believe.
Galilee, Jesus walked there, I believe, I believe.
Gethsemane, my Savior prayed there, on Calvary, He died alone.
But the tomb, He left there, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe

[Bethlehem, He was born there. There was nothing sacred about that manger in Bethlehem, Jesus could have been born in the best hotel room in the city, if it had been left open for Him. But He wasn't pushy, He still isn't. He moves only into the places we vacate for Him. There was room, that night, only in the stable, so, that's where He was born.]

Galilee, Jesus walked there, I believe, I believe.

[Jesus walked with common men, but there was nothing common about His words, they upset every comfortable ethic. He upset judicial systems when He said, "Love those who hate you." He upset patterns of religion, by declaring that real temples of worship, were in the hearts of believers. He refused to discuss laws and rules governing people's actions, but zeroed in on their thoughts and attitudes instead. If Christ had been a philosopher, they could have debated Him. If He had been a warrior they could have fought Him. Had He been a religionist, they could have ignored Him, as an eccentric, but Christ was love,
what do you do with that?]

Gethsemane, my Savior prayed there, on Calvary, He died alone.

[Gethsemane was agony for Christ. In those dark hours, He cried in desperation, "Father, if it be Your will, let this cup pass from me.", but it wasn't Gods will and Jesus died alone.]

But the tomb, Jesus left there, I believe, I believe

[God could have had Jesus resurrected right from the cross, when no one was around, instead, He arranged a full burial, with grave clothes, a tomb, and even a roman seal, but after three days, conquering death, Jesus walked out free, leaving for all to see, (key change) the massive stone rolled away, and the empty tomb!]

And now, He lives and reigns forever, I believe, I believe
And He prays for us in Heaven, I believe, I believe
And with the ones who've gone before me, I will praise the Prince of Peace!
Hallelujah, hallelujah, I believe, I believe, I believe, I believe!

Sunday, December 16, 2007

"What a Strange School System?"

Okay...I warned you that I would eventually discuss my political views and here's my opportunity. One of my friends who is American and lives in the UK is preparing to move back to the US in January. She has been doing a lot of research into jobs, insurance, education...etc in the area where she will be living. She posted something very interesting today and she has given permission for me to share it with you. So, I hope you will take the time to read it and ponder.

What a Strange School System!
"I’ve just discovered something startling about the town we are moving to: the school system is administered through employers, so that you register your children for school through your HR department at work. It seems a bit odd to me — how on earth is my daughters’ education connected to my husband’s work in the building trade? — but that’s apparently how they’ve always done it in this town. I rang the Education Administrator at M’s work and it seems quite straightforward: they choose the appropriate school and organise everything for us. The disappointing thing is that the system imposes a 3-month delay before the girls can start school, during which they will have to stay home and have no education at all. And, if my husband changes jobs for some reason, they will have to be pulled out of school and then be re-admitted by the new employer — complete with another 3-month delay — even if the new company is admitting them to the exact same school as before! I’m told we can organise a private tutor for them during this time so they don’t fall behind, but I’m a bit worried about the cost. I’m also a little worried to hear that if either of the girl’s is found to have learning difficulties, the schools might choose not to take them at all, and also that if M ever decides to go self-employed — or, heaven forbid, loses his job — the girls would still be able go to school, but we would have to pay our own tuition fees which, I understand, can be quite pricey. Apparently, they’ve found that this system encourages a good work ethic and has produced some of the best schools in the area, although I’ve also been told that 15% of the children in the town are not in school at all and those 3-month delays have created a complicated system where even the children who are in school end up with varying degrees of educational competence.

You have, of course, realised this is all a completely untrue. The town we are moving to has normal public schools just like every town in America, and my children will enroll and be entitled to an education just like every other child. But, as you were reading that, did it sound odd to you? Did it seem a strange way of administering education? Did the idea of 3-month delays or children being excluded from education get under your skin at all?

This is how the US health care system looks to rest of the world. It looks that ludicrous. Let me ask you something: do you believe in the American public school system? I mean, do you support the idea, or would you like to see it abolished? If you do support the idea, does that make you a socialist? No wait… think about it. Does it make you a socialist? Because the American public school system is a socialist system. The money is taken out of general taxation and used to provide a free education to every child in America, regardless of his or her circumstances. There are millions of Americans who value and support the public school system, but who would never call themselves socialists — and, indeed, they are not. The United States is a capitalist country, but it allows and tolerates certain socialist systems — quite a lot of them, in fact — in vitally important areas for the sake of the greater good, and it is able to do this without experiencing any real threat to its underlying capitalistic nature. Public education is one such system and almost no one in the United States is calling to see it abolished.

I read somewhere that the United States is the only developed country in the world to rely on a private health care system — the rest of the developed world provides universal care in a variety of ways that range from mixed private-and-public systems to totally government-controlled systems. “Universal” health care doesn’t have to mean one rigid possibility: there are a range of possible models. It could even be done without taking health care out of the hands of private hospitals and insurance companies. The basic structure doesn’t need to change — all that needs to be done is to make sure that a reasonable safety net is available to everyone. And the US has a fantastic advantage: because it has waited so long, it has the opportunity to learn from others’ mistakes and design a system that takes the best of them and avoids the pitfalls. It’s a wonderful position to be in, a wonderful opportunity.

If my little story sounded crazy to you, then I ask you to think about that for a while. If you’ve never thought of the American public school system as a socialist system in our midst, then I ask you to think about that for a while as well. Be a capitalist (I am). Be an American. But consider — consider — the possibility of universal health care."

From Strawberry at Potential and Expectations

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A walk with God and the dog...

My husband who usually takes the dog for her morning walk, is not feeling well. So, I got up early to take her for a walk. It was a beautiful winter morning. Clear deep blue skies, crisp air and frost everywhere. We didn't see another soul. I was really enjoying this quiet walk with plenty to think about. Missy would walk a few steps ahead, sniffing the ground and looking back at me once-in-awhile. She seemed to enjoy this one on one time together. It all brought back memories of Dad and I taking long walks in the woods and what a close intimate time that was. My thoughts then drew heavenward and I invited God along for our walk. So, it was me, the dog and God. I walked and talked with God as if he was there right by my side and just talked about the things that were concerning me, my dreams, my hopes, my fears...etc. As we got closer to the end of our walk I thanked God for walking with us and for that intimate relationship that is available to me. I asked Him to once again fill me with His Holy Spirit so that I could know him in a more intimate way then I ever have before. I asked that He would continue to guide me and protect me under the shadow of His wing. And I thanked Him for keeping His hand on my life and would He please continue to do that....because, I have a feeling that in whatever life holds for me...I'll need it.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me.
Spirit of the living God, fall fresh on me.

Monday, December 10, 2007

What I believe...

What I believe
Came like the dawn
As I grew strong
It rose inside of me
Lies fell away
Like broken chains
And I could see.
Christ took the fears
I'd known for years.
And in His light
They lost their mystery
Now doubts can rage
But they can't change
What I believe
What I believe
Has filled my soul
With treasures gold could never buy
His power has raised my spirit
Into life that can not die
And though the world
Calls me to follow
On what may seems a better road
I'll never go because I know what I believe.
What I believe
Will still be true
When time breaks through
And meets eternity
Then with new eyes
I'll find the truth
I've yet to see.
My years will pass
This life will end
Until that hour
The Lord will stand with me
Until I'm free
My strenght will be
What I believe.
What I believe
Has filled my soul
With treasures gold could never buy
His power has raised my spirit
Into life that can not die
And though the world
Calls me to follow
On what may seems a better road
I'll never go because I know what I believe.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Jesus, name above all names....


And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
for he shall save his people from their sins. Matthew 1:21
In every country and culture names are very important. During our family reunion this past Autumn our family discussed the meaning of each of our names. And this is something that has been rolling around in the empty chambers of my mind for the past few months. The name of Jesus is quite different then any name given to anyone. There is power in that name. Within the last few years I've come in contact with some friends and colleagues who are of various religions and faiths. I met a lady working in a Chinese restaurant and we started conversing with each other in Manderine Chinese. I learned a little Chinese while I was in college because I had made friends with a few of the Chinese girls on campus. We began talking about where she came from and how she had come to live in North Carolina. During my recent visit to North Carolina I made a normal practise of going to my favourite Chinese restaurant after church on Wednesday nights. This lady began to recognise me after a few visits and mentioned how happy I appeared and asked where I had come from all dressed up. So, I explained that I attended the church down the road. She pulled a book out from under the counter that she had been reading and asked if I had heard of it. It was the book, Confident Woman written by Joyce Myers. I had read the book myself recently. So, this gave me the perfect opportunity to say...."Does this mean you are a Christian believer?" She said, " I study Buddha meditation and we believe all religions lead to the same god and we can learn something from all religions." Buddhism comes across as a very peaceful religion but, I do believe there is only way to God and that is through Jesus.
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life:
no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6
Since our conversation this young lady has been laying heavy on my heart. I can see the search for truth in her eyes. Another customer came in and I was not able to finish my conversation. So, as I walked out to the parking lot I began thinking of how I could witness to her. I thought...well she is not apposed to reading Christian literature. So, the next day I went to the Bible Book Store and looked for a book that would help point her to Jesus. I wanted to get her something that would be familiar to her culture and upbringing. So, I got her the book (and also a copy for myself) Walking from East to West by Ravi Zaharias. Ravi was born in India and was raised in Hinduism. His family moved to America where he was educated and later became a Christian. He is now a very well known professor and speaker on Christian apologetics. So, I'm praying that she is reading this book and she is finding the truth in the Gospel of Jesus Christ who died for her sins.
There are a few differences between Christianity and all other religions in the world, one being the concept of grace. All other religions teach that people must do something to earn their way to be accepted by god. The idea that Jesus being God incarnate, born of a virgin came to live as a man and gave His life so that we may go free....well it's just crazy and such a far fetched idea to them and well...too easy. But, it is that easy. It is that wonderful gift of salvation that we celebrate at this time of year.
Another thing I've noticed is that all other religions, cults and ideologies distract and point away from Jesus. And I'm finding within the Christian churches and circles that people are becoming more and more intimidated into not even using the name of Jesus in their teaching or conversation. Everyone refers to God but it is important that we do not leave out Jesus. He is the One who sets us apart from all other religions and cults. I've noticed some Christians even apologize for using His name. There is nothing to apologize about and we should not be ashamed to mention the name of Jesus. There is power in that name. There is healing in that name and protection. I've been in situations in the past where I was very unsure of the spirit of the events unfolding around me and I would mention the name of Jesus out loud as my protection. For it is at the mention of His name that Satan has to flea. I can remember when I was a young child laying in bed with a high fever. My Dad knelt by my bed and prayed. When he mentioned that beautiful name of Jesus, peace would sweep over me and I would calm down enough to sleep.
It is important that the church, the body of believers point people to Jesus. It is more important now then ever before. Let us not be ashamed of Jesus for He may be ashamed of us one day.
Phil 2:7-11

...But made himself of no reputation,
and took upon him the form of a servant,
and was made in the likeness of men:
And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself,
and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.
Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him,
and given him a name which is above every name:
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven,
and things in earth, and things under the earth;
And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,
to the glory of God the Father.











Jesus, name above all names

Beautiful Savior, glorious Lord.

Emmanuel, God is with us.

Blessed Redeemer, Living word.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Launching of my thinking blog....

I hardly have time to spare for my first blog let alone another blog. But, for the past few months I've been thinking about starting another blog where I can just jot down a few ideas that are rolling around in my head. My other blog's purpose is mainly to update family and friends on our life here in the UK and to share pictures. But, here I would like to share with you my Journey into God's Heart. I'm naming this blog after a really good book written by Jennifer Rees Larcombe. This book came to me just at the right time while I was going through the grief of loosing my mother and all the changes in life that come with that. There was a line in Jennifer's book (which I don't have it here with me because I have loaned it to my father) but it said something like..."We should look more into the face of God and less into His hand." And I thought that was so true. We live in a time when the most well known Christian leaders and tv evangelist are preaching a gospel of prosperity. Yes, I do believe God blesses us and wants to bless is. But, what is more important then that is realizing the greater picture and that pursuit to know God. I think that's what this journey we call life is all about.

Another thought that has come to me recently and I was really convicted on this. I live too much on yesterdays spiritual blessings. And sometimes I rely too much on other's spiritual blessings. (Meaning: reading devotional books) If I want to know God and hear from Him more I need to read His Book, the Bible. So, another purpose of this blog is to make me more accountable. I'm making a vow to God and myself to read His Word faithfully everyday. As I do this I will share with you what God has blessed me with.

I should also add that I fully suspect that I will share a few of my views on politics, society, culture, current events and whatever else comes to mind. I do look forward to your comments so please don't hold back.